Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Spring Break!

It's Spring Break, which means the boys are off school for a week. That also means I can follow doctor's orders and try to catch up on lost sleep, since I don't have to get up to drive them to school.

I got some good news over the weekend. As some of my friends know, I was slated for a major 2 week Writers' Workshop in Oregon that was cancelled. Well, there was an opening with the same group for a week long Short Story Workshop in May, and I got in. I am now trying to catch up with the rest of the group, which means getting my hands on and reading 7 books by May 7th. I have 2 of them, both anthologies, and they are HUGE. Good thing I love to read...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2 more weeks till ours...
I'm holding on to that thought like a lifeline!