Monday, February 01, 2010

Writing summary for January

So, looking back over the month, in January I wrote 8,207 words.  That's not a lot, but Januarys tend to be light on word count for me.  I tend to catch up with the program as the year progresses.

A good portion of those words went into my wip (work in progress).  I've been working on a couple of short stories that I will finish in February.  One is for a workshop, and both will be done and hopefully in the mail by the end of the month.

I finished James Scott Bell's BREACH of PROMISE (which was a hard book to read emotionally but good nonetheless).  My stuff to read stack is very high but I admit that Stephen King's UNDER THE DOME seems to be calling my name the loudest at the moment.

Have a bunch of short stories to turn around and some decisions to make on a couple of novels that I need to send out. 

Looking forward to going to Oregon later this month for 2 workshops.  Lots of old and new friends to spend time with and a great opportunity to listen to great writers.  Good stuff.

So here's hoping for a lot of new words written and new books read to talk about on March 1st.  Have a good one, everybody.

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